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Laboratorios MICROKIT.
20 years commited
to microbiology laboratories
ELISAS for problems in foods (allergens, mycotoxins, PSP, Histamine, Antibiotics, Hormones)
Culture media with their formulas adapted to the latest pharmacopoeia USP XXXI and to the harmonized one
Pre-weighed culture media, sterile and powder, to produce 225, 500 or 1000 ml of medium without the need to autoclave, with the simple aid of sterile water.
COSMETIKIT®-EASY for a complete microbiological control of cosmetics by means of sterile preparations with a long shelf life that does not require autoclaving or melting. Validated usage protocol.
COSMETIKIT®-WATER for microbiological control of water used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic without the need of filtration apparatus.
MPN-RACK trays for converting Presence / Absence detections in water and drink into Most Probable Number counts.

Validation of microbiological methods: courses, advisory services, protocols and kits.

Fluffy toys (such as those that appear on this website) as gifts for microbiologists and to introduce children into the world of microbiology. Each with it's own label describing the merits or problems of the micro-organism in question.



During 2008 MICROKIT held 5 day conferences of 8 hours each on The Validation of Microbiological Methods in different Spanish cities and a 4 hour day on Optimization of Microbiological Methods in Bogota (Colombia).

With 3 new publications in 2008 on the Improvements in Methods of Microbiological Analysis (food, water and cosmetics) it takes the total to 21 Spanish-language publications that endorse their products and processes and which can be viewed and downloaded under the tab “Publicaciones“ on our other webpage www.laboratoriosmicrokit.com
During 2009 MICROKIT has organized 2 conferences of 4 hours each on Optimization of Microbiological Methods, in Mexico City and Bogotá (Colombia).

We also plan to hold another conference of 8 hours on Validation of Microbiological Methods in Salamanca in September.

The success of their products outside their country of origin has been such that in one fell swoop has made it into 16 new countries. Therefore planned to restate at fairs ArabLab-Dubai-2011 and Analytica-Munich-2012

In 2010 has already made several technical seminars in several countries, Barcelona and Valencia and has designed the last of this year in the CTC of Murcia, in December, with the support of Tecnoquim and Vircell.

For 2011 is planning a mixed-seminar in Madrid that includes the same program as those of 2010, but adding the talk "How to overcome the crisis being a company located in Spain

Some real examples of the importance of Microkit’s products and services in the last two decades

Numerous validations accomplished by MICROKIT Laboratories’ innovative kits, medias, and methods have led to maximum transcendence conclusions in the microbiological analysis of:
Food | Water | Medications | Cosmetics | Chemical products | Air and surfaces.

3 of 28 available in english, the rest you can read it in spanish in the spanish version of this web:
spanish language publications and validations

Microbiological quality control? After 20 years, the answer continues being... MICROKIT !

Thank you for contributing to the advancement of microbiological quality control!
Laboratorios Microkit,
Your friendly supplier.

Laboratorios Microkit S.L.
Telephone: +34 91 897 46 16
Fax: +34 91 897 46 41
Pioneers for 20 years designing and manufacturing distinctives CHROMOGENIC MEDIAS, in dehydrated and prepared presentations, agar and broths, as well as in SINGLE KITS of our design to make easier the microbiological analysis of water, food, cosmetics and environment.
Sponsored by the Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Industry